Native plants for the Pacific Northwest

Welcome to Conroys Nursery, situated in western Washington state. We are a retail seller of plants that are native to the Pacific Northwest - particularly west of the Cascades - in Washingon and Oregon.

Benefits of native plants
Plants native to your area are already adapted to climate and soil conditions and need less care than most ornamental plants. In fact, once established, most of them thrive on neglect. They provide food and shelter for native wildlife, and they tend not to crowd out other native species. Many are suitable for growing in the shade, which makes them ideal for those areas in which more sun-loving plants do poorly.

We ship plants both in pots and with bare roots, depending on various circumstances. When we ship containers, they may be recycled as a means of helping the environment and reducing costs.

Shipping happens between April and September, depending on when the order is placed and weather conditions in your area.